Thursday, July 25, 2013

Intern & the City

Summer is quickly coming to a close, and that long sought after internship is almost over.  And to think, it was like just yesterday that you got that sacred acceptance to your dream internship!  Summer internships - if you're in the right industry - are more than jobs and resume enhancements... If done right, it's an episode of your career path, (perhaps just the start!) that has helped mold you in order to succeed in the industry.  It's important to reflect back on the job and take note of what you've gained, how you've networked, and what you have learned you like/dislike about it to help your search for future internships.

This summer, I got the wonderful opportunity to intern in the public relations department at the Prada USA Corp office in NYC!  I distinctly remember sending my resume and how thrilled I was to receive an email response that I got an interview.  It seemed too good to be true when I raced to the city the next day for a spontaneous interview - daydreaming that I was suddenly Carrie Bradshaw in Sex & the City... but I was indeed Giovanna Roselli - just an eager Penn State sophomore aspiring to gain any type of exposure to the fashion industry.

The main thing this whole experience has taught me - never doubt yourself or diminish your skills.  My first thought was: how on earth am I qualified for an internship at one of the top luxury fashion houses in the world?  Honesty - never say never.  I spent endless hours sending my resume and cover letter to every fashion name you can think of, because I believe at the right place and the right time, the perfect job can just fall into the palm of your hands.

Prada has been an awesome experience - I love the people that work in the office, and it is simply everything I imagined and more.  Not quite "Devil Wears Prada" atmosphere as you would think! - because I was always treated with genuine respect and friendly gestures.  Being an intern at Prada has taught me new skills, helped me network with some awesome people, but most importantly the internship has given me enough of a preview to be certain that working in the fashion industry is where I want to be.

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